Saturday, July 9, 2011

I love Thrifting Party today!!

As a little girl, my mom would take us to thrift stores and garage sales to look for clothes.  Being a single mother of two, she was doing what she had too to make ends meet.  As much as I understand that now, I use to hate it when I was a kid!  Other than the occasional $1 toy, I would always feel "less than" my other friends.  As an adult, I've held on to that idea for a while.  Other than maybe a passed down piece of furniture, I hated the idea of wearing someone else's clothes or shoes.  Not just because it was used, but because I would think a little further into it...what if that person's "bad luck" passed on to me with their clothes?  Like, somehow a piece of that person's soul came along with the $2 pair of jeans.  Lol, I know that sounds crazy, but I seriously felt that way!  This all changed a few years ago...

About 4 years ago, I became a vegetarian (which I gave up 4 months into my pregnancy due to uncontrollable cravings for beef!).  While I was only concerned with my health at the beginning, I learned about all of the GREAT reasons to not consume animal meat products.  One of them was due to the environmental impacts it had on our great planet Earth.  This of course opened my eyes to the impact humans have on the planet, so I started looking for ways to reduce my ecological footprint.  This brought on buying a home that was energy efficient, using energy saving light bulbs, recycling, unplugging unused appliances, buying less, etc., etc.  Another great way to help save the Earth???  Buying used products when available.  In today's world, we're taught to BUY BUY BUY!!  Consumerism has taken most people into a world of debt, and most of the time its just to keep up with the Jones's.  But it doesn't only have an impact on our wallets, it also has an impact on our world!  When we buy everything new, all the time, we are creating more and more waste.  Our landfills are full of waste that causes environmental concerns of all types...pollution of the soil, water, air...I could keep going, but I wont. Enough ranting, let me get back to my point, lol.

A couple years ago, my friend Katie Mac took me to a thrift store.  Even with my intentions of leaving a lighter footprint on this Earth than most, I was still not convinced I wanted to wear someone else's clothes!  But, she has a way of being persuasive, lol.  So I tagged along, thinking I would find NOTHING I wanted.  This was not the case of course...I found so much great stuff, that it completely changed my mind of what thrift stores are all about.  Thrifting is my new friend!  Especially with a baby on the way, and being a single mom.  

Anyway, there is so much more that I want to say, but I don't have time!  I have to go get ready for my friends I <3 Thrifting party!!  I will post again after the party to let everyone know how it went!

TheMacStyles Thrifting Party!!


  1. Scilla you are a real thinker because I never thought of getting someones bad luck for a used pair or jeans. Well its nice to know K-Mac helped turn that around....

  2. Wow! What a great story and I had no idea that bad luck could be passed via a pair of old jeans…LOL I’m glad that you have a new outlook on the power of thrifting. I realize thrifting is an environmental beneficial but for me it’s the hunt I crave looking for the diamond in the rough. And it’s my silent addiction for years but I’m so happy I can share my love of thrifting with my friends now. Thank you again for showing your support. I hope you had a great time and found some good deals. We must do it again…
