Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm 29 weeks today!

Wow...I can't believe I only have 11 more weeks to go!  When I found out I was pregnant, I signed up for a few of those baby websites that help you figure out whats going on with your baby.  I have to say, they have been great!!  Every week, not only does it let me know what the baby is going through, but it also tells me about some of the symptoms I might be having.  It was so useful because it made me feel like everything was ok and normal.  I didn't have to call the Dr's office every time something new happened, because I already new that I was right on track!

I get a couple emails from different sites.  One site mentioned that his head is getting bigger to accommodate for his growing brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons!!  I think its time for more Baby Einstein, lol.  Here is one of our 29th week emails:

At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost 17 inches tall now (nearly as tall as he or she will be at birth), and close to three pounds (a weight that will likely more than double — and may even come close to tripling —  by delivery time). His or her wrinkled skin is smoothing out as more fat is deposited under the skin surface. This fat, called white fat, is different from the earlier brown fat that your developing fetus accumulated. Brown fat is necessary for body temperature regulation while white fat (the fat you have, Mom) actually serves as an energy source.
Which explains why your energizer baby feels so…well…energized!  Space in your baby's living quarters is now at a premium, so you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees mostly. But those kicks will be more vigorous than before (and also less erratic) because your baby is stronger and excitedly responding to all sorts of stimuli — movement, sounds, light, and that candy bar you ate half an hour ago.

Luckily, your baby doesn't have teeth yet that would need a brushing after that sugary treat, but it won't be long before you'll need to buy that first baby toothbrush! You'll recall that your baby's baby-teeth buds formed weeks ago, but now the buds for permanent teeth are forming in his or her gums as well.
And back to those kicks, who's counting?  Actually, you should be.  Now's a good time to start doing a kick count twice a day to make sure baby's doing just fine (plus, it's a good excuse for a rest). Lie down (preferably after a snack) and keep track of your baby's movements. You're looking for at least ten movements in an hour's time (don't forget to count movements of any kind — kicks, flutters, swishes, rolls, and so on).

29 Weeks


  1. That's such good information! Remember...count those kicks! Who am I kidding, of course you will (if you havent already)! LOL! :)

  2. I did after I read this article! And Im happy to report that Bean blew the test out of the water! lol. I got 10 movements in about 15 seconds...he was REALLY active :D

  3. Keep up the good work. You're almost done and thanks for sharing the information it's very informative.

  4. Priscilla, thanks for stopping over at my blog. Wow, what an adventure for you! Enjoy every moment of these last couple weeks, cause sometimes they pretty much suck, no, they don't, they are awesome. Looking forward to reading more!

  5. Oh, and I can't follow you yet, cause Google is stupid and won't let me. But as soon as they fix er' up, I'm on it!

  6. @ Katie Mac....Thanks!!

    @ Cari...well, the back aches do suck, but other than that, Im loving it! I just hope I can handle another couple months of him growing in there! :)

  7. i love babies!
    Congrats on your BEAN! Sucking his thumb is pricelessss!

