Monday, May 23, 2011

Update on our visit with family...

So, the birthday party at my aunts house this past weekend was great!  I got to see my cousins and grandmother, and they all got to meet belly Bean.  I cant wait until we all meet him for real...

The highlight was when the Beans great Grandma Mimi brought out the indestructible Sponge Bob piñata.  It literally took the kids more than half an hour to TRY and bust it open.  They did some damage to Sponge Bob's limbs, but I think eventually an adult just ripped him open and shook out all the candies, lol.

I cant wait till Bean gets to enjoy these birthday parties with me. <3

My lil cousin Christy and I

Tia Ana, Bean and I, and Grandma Mimi

The Kiddos - Riley, Kingston, and the birthday girl, Brisa

Grandma Mimi and my cousin Danny with the indestructible piñata!  


  1. You look so pretty and happy in the pictures. Being around family is priceless!

  2. It really is! I love my family :)
